A Tribute
Herb Anderson
and his homebuilt
Long EZ
I was about
14 years old and hitchhiked from Olathe to Grand Junction to take my first
lesson in a
Stagger Wing Beechcraft with Eddie Dropula, instructor, in 1943. My next instructor cut
that page out of
my log book when I went for my private check ride. He said it didn’t look
I was instructed in Taylorcrafts,
Cubs, and Luscombes. I got my private license in 57
hours. I ferried new
Luscombes from Dallas, Texas, factory to Chicago with only 68
hours total time. I started building the Long EZ in 1982.
It took four
to five years. My first flight in it was October 7, 1986. I flew the EZ to
Oshkosh two times—in 1987 and 1988.