Another year "flies" by
22/12/19 21:30
When it was 2019, it was a very good year. It was a very good year for flyers and dreamers, and builders and all. Do you remember at all?
We started the year off with a brand new runway on Blake Field. Several members progressed their projects throughout the year. In February, Bernie completed Phase 1 flight testing on his RV-14A and Rod finished the Lycoming O-540 destined for his Bearhawk.
Springtime saw lots of progress on Jim's RV-7, Lowell's Sperocco, and Marc's Thatcher CX4. The Chapter installed a new sound system to help with the many excellent presentations given by members in the months to come. Rob brought home his Rotary Air Force gyro plane. And May started with flights for more than 30 Young Eagles at North Fork Valley airport! It was a fantastic event.
Soft summer days gave plenty of opportunity for flying. And fly we did, including the first ever flight of Lowell's Sperocco, the first flight of any Sperocco! Of course, summer wouldn't be summer without Oshkosh — over 10,000 aircraft and 640,000 visitors. (Ponder those numbers for a moment.) Several chapter members attended, many flew in. Bernie's RV-14A won an award for Outstanding Workmanship. We also launched our new website this summer.
Fall, glorious Fall. My favorite time to fly, especially in and around these Western states where we are fortunate to live. Members took trips to Mexican Mountain, Southeast Utah, and various other destinations. Greg and Julia even flew their RV-9 to the Arctic Circle and back! And landings were a little smoother at Westwinds after a runway upgrade.
So much fun! And so much that I've left out. We'll reflect a bit more during our annual Awards Banquet on February 1st at Daveto's. Mark your calendar and watch this website for more info.
As we look forward to 2020… My gosh 2020 already? ADS-B Out, drone deliveries, remote controlled airspace, … auto-land avionics, electric engines, … new pilots, new endorsements, new ratings, new types, … old planes brought back to life.
What will be your passion in 2020? Whatever it is, please share it with the Chapter. Send a short update for the newsletter. Send pictures of your project. Give a trip report. Present a topic at a meeting. Invite a new member. Share your love of aviation!
Wishing you all a holiday so bright that it lights the new year with happiness,
—Alan Collins, EAA 1373 Webmaster
We started the year off with a brand new runway on Blake Field. Several members progressed their projects throughout the year. In February, Bernie completed Phase 1 flight testing on his RV-14A and Rod finished the Lycoming O-540 destined for his Bearhawk.
Springtime saw lots of progress on Jim's RV-7, Lowell's Sperocco, and Marc's Thatcher CX4. The Chapter installed a new sound system to help with the many excellent presentations given by members in the months to come. Rob brought home his Rotary Air Force gyro plane. And May started with flights for more than 30 Young Eagles at North Fork Valley airport! It was a fantastic event.
Soft summer days gave plenty of opportunity for flying. And fly we did, including the first ever flight of Lowell's Sperocco, the first flight of any Sperocco! Of course, summer wouldn't be summer without Oshkosh — over 10,000 aircraft and 640,000 visitors. (Ponder those numbers for a moment.) Several chapter members attended, many flew in. Bernie's RV-14A won an award for Outstanding Workmanship. We also launched our new website this summer.
Fall, glorious Fall. My favorite time to fly, especially in and around these Western states where we are fortunate to live. Members took trips to Mexican Mountain, Southeast Utah, and various other destinations. Greg and Julia even flew their RV-9 to the Arctic Circle and back! And landings were a little smoother at Westwinds after a runway upgrade.
So much fun! And so much that I've left out. We'll reflect a bit more during our annual Awards Banquet on February 1st at Daveto's. Mark your calendar and watch this website for more info.
As we look forward to 2020… My gosh 2020 already? ADS-B Out, drone deliveries, remote controlled airspace, … auto-land avionics, electric engines, … new pilots, new endorsements, new ratings, new types, … old planes brought back to life.
What will be your passion in 2020? Whatever it is, please share it with the Chapter. Send a short update for the newsletter. Send pictures of your project. Give a trip report. Present a topic at a meeting. Invite a new member. Share your love of aviation!
Wishing you all a holiday so bright that it lights the new year with happiness,
—Alan Collins, EAA 1373 Webmaster